In my life, what is going on here we’re having a great morning afternoon evening ever since watching this video welcome back to the channel. Today we have some military men surgeons. Now uh we’ve been talking on instagram for a few months and it seemed pretty cool. So there’s a boat show in charleston today and me and michaela going to go and i’m not taking blue i’m going to drop him off at andrew’s house, but uh yeah we’re going to go, look at their trucks, real, quick and then hopefully have a great day At the boat show, so i’m gon na take you guys along horny man, even hornier trucks. Hey can i have some of your tattoos, bro yeah sure.
Let me get. Let me get down your sleeve up. Ah sweet. It works is.
This is what rich people do. It’S like 10 inch subwoofers in here other jail audio too yeah, i’m going to use the bathroom hey guys, i’m going to turn the fan on look at the pearl white on the motors bro. That’S how you know you cruising to the bahamas in our yacht. In our uh drinking some bush light redneck style, he had a gap as a it’s fancy here. That was a 15 beer, but yes, daddy really needs to buy me this, oh mtv.This is my crib yo. What’S going on yeah so tv, this is my crib. This is uh my full-size weird-looking bed. I’Ve got an awesome shower in here and it’s no shower. Oh, it’s just a toilet, never mind.
You have to sit on this. Look at the mini sunroof, the mini size yeah. So you can open it up. Skylight some fresh breeze. You know, what’s in here this your fridge.
Oh you turn it on. The keys are right. There turn on all the engines. Yeah, i don’t want to get kicked out quite yet got some qualified captain merge been following that for a while man i’ll be rolling and putting on things doing things chashong yeah, oh no, it hurts no. If y’all around my truck y’all would be doing that on the whole truck hey what the hell.
What color is that it’s like a robin egg, blue that was cool. All right. I got ta set the tripod up, so we don’t make out when we leave all right. Ah now, are you gon na beat a smokey mountain. You might not make it.
No! I’M gon na make it all right and gabe’s gon na, be there oh yeah. Are you sixes, or these four, of course, no nevermind? I thought it was fours and threes bro. These are so wide yeah, they’re filthy, having new forces like the biggest flex yeah like new force, but then again like these are one-offs, yeah, that’s kind of they’re, one of one.
I know i with these so yeah. I love the powder on the white: that’s nice, but uh yeah, it’s actually too cold to be doing some reviews right now, boys and girls, but uh we’re gon na be, with their trucks on in april, so best believe we’re gon na be rolling together. Yeah, sir um dude. You know what, let’s not zoom in on my front door.
It’S it’s a little. You know it’s a work in progress. Fifth, gen swap on the way. Yeah yep yeah, he likes squatting, you know what it it came like that and i haven’t gotten around to doing it. Goofiest thing i’ve ever seen in my life.It came on you’re, not from pennsylvania. They raised your trucks up, we have their laps. This is a pennsylvania truck. Is it really yeah? Where did it come from uh, i’m not exactly sure so, pittsburgh probably around you, must be hot.
If you think i ain’t getting that, but this man bought the variety pack sharpie to fix the curb rash on the brown wheels. If only had regular black, you could have just been one and done. I know i’m getting a gauge pillar too. I really love those. The handle’s off your handle seen better days, bro yeah, that her grandma broke what kerry’s grandma damn it bro homie is on a flat tire and a doughnut sfh440.
You need to fix yourself heck yeah. Here’S the qualified captain, merch boat, ramp, champs nah, alex i’ve been following for a while. Pretty funny do need to get their beer gon na hit up oscar trying to get me their beer. I got koozie and some other stuff. We didn’t get as much stuff as we wanted.No, we didn’t hit a boat, but we did yeah, we didn’t get a boat, but we did get canes. It’S all right. The sauce was a little better than zach’s bees. If you’re from the south uh it kind of tasted the same just a little less strong than zaxby’s and the chicken was a lot better, but the fries were definitely not as good but um opinion. Zach’S p is greater than k.
Well, she said that it wasn’t before i put my pants so she’s copying me. Oh she’s copying me harry the potter twitter mini new sweater, so make a group go fund me for my clothes. My name is, it is the next day after the boat show hanging with dakota and gabe uh didn’t get too much content. It was actually really really really windy and cold, and i had somewhere to be but nice, seeing them and meeting them uh if you’re watching this boys much love for you guys, hope you uh have great military careers and gabe, for you hope you have good success In the civilian world, brother um we’re actually on the way to go, see one of our other military friends mike. You see him on the channel with the x3.
He just got his truck all done up with a port and polished turbo and all that stuff. I’M pretty sure he’s pushing around uh 700 horsepower if i’m not mistaken, so we’re gon na be doing a little ride along with him and review on the luma duty and uh should be pretty fun. Uh i’ll pick up when we get there got ta, get that monster, all right, ladies and gentlemen, back here with michael as you’ve seen on the channel before, and he just got his f-350 uh. I think he hit a few bumps and his stuff fell out. Some more i mean he already was off from a bumpy hit back in mexico, a while back but um.He had some more bumps and some it made it go faster. So that was pretty cool and uh yeah, so we’re gon na. Let him talk about it and give you a little nice little review and some ride-alongs and some sound clips, and it should be pretty fun so, michael without further ado. What you have done to the engine now well, first off, what’s going on ham, fam uh, we did a few uh go fast goodies. I guess you could say we did a no limit.
64 67 stage, two port polish turbo uh. We did a 10 millimeter exergy stroker pump, uh no limit piping kit, ccv reroute um, all the egr shit’s gone um kind of cleaned up a couple hoses in the engine bay and it’s right. At probably you know we got new tunes and everything we’re right. At 700 horsepower now so 700 and about 1300 foot pounds of torque, so she moves for a big girl. On 38s i mean it yeah.
It does want some chunky meats right now, it’ll run it’ll, run zero to 60 and boost a four wheel. Drive launch in about four and a half seconds wow. To put that into perspective, i mean a hellcat will do 0-60. You know on the track, perfect conditions and about 3.7 3.You guys are probably going to ask so we’re going to do a little cold start here and keep a little carolina. Cold start. Yes, a little 38 degrees, we just got back from the park, store grabbed some stuff and, as you seen earlier, we had some nice sound clips on the way there, but now we’re about to get some uh cinematic rollers, for you guys and uh. We’Re gon na let mike talk about it just a little bit more so um the drivability is pretty decent.
He still says with the new cp3 upgrade uh. It doesn’t really have too much lag because obviously the 64 in the front and then that back tar, the back charger, is what gives it that nice torque and everything still so it’s kind of like an upgraded internal turbo. It’S not really like right. Am i right? It’S not really a big big turbo yeah.
It’S like a it’s like a smaller wheel on the front side for a quick spool up and then on the turbine side on the exhaust. It’S uh that 67 millimeter. So you know you still have that. It’S not very laggy, it’s still, you can still tow with it. That’S the main reason i wanted it.
You know i pulled my x3. I pulled my boat a lot, so the drivability was huge for me and actually might actually want to shout out people for giving them his tunes yeah. So huge, huge, huge shout out to my buddy drake uh ala tuna diesel out of atlanta um. He actually hooked me up with some pretty good tunes uh. I had gdp tunes before they were good.
You know nothing bad to say about them. However, the only thing customer service is kind of lacking um. So i got all the work done and he talked me into actually switching to proven tunes, and so i did – and you know i ran they – had a 64 uh 68r file, which is you know it’s one millimeter bigger than what i have so it was strong, But i feel like it wasn’t optimal, so i reached out to proven on the weekend mind you and uh literally they got back with me. They said, send you know datalog your truck, send it over. So i did – and i was on a weekend and monday before i even got off of work.
I had a fully upgraded custom file for my truck, so huge, huge, huge shout out to them. They are great their customer services. I mean on point i’ve gone as far as i can on stock fuel. You know my stock injectors are maxed. I can’t go any any further, so as far as performance-wise we’re pretty much done until the trans.Let’S go, you know, let’s, let’s hope it. Ain’T too too long for it. Let’S hope you know, but this is a bon jovi transmission, it’s living on a prayer. It’S been a great truck. I’Ve had it for 80 000 miles an hour.
It’S got 130 on it now so, and i’ve done nothing but just service it, and the truck has been absolutely absolutely amazing. I i can’t find enough good stuff to say about it. So yeah illumina interiors are also on point like you can update all these uh. He has the brand new, it was a 21 style yeah, it’s uh, the 21 style we did um. I forget the website.
I’Ll have to go, look it up, but uh you update it via usb yeah. You can’t get it off of ford’s website. They only let you go to like 3.0 or something this is like 3.4 sync.
So this is what comes in your new, you know 2020 and up trucks and uh. It’S just it’s a lot better and, if you’re ever into what would you consider this lexington side right there? It’S like gilbertson. Oh this is the gilbert gilbert lexington area. If you’re ever close to this area, i hit up charlie’s shop.
What was his shop name? Yep uh, so my buddy charlie baird uh. He owns palmetto off-road and he’s the ones that he sourced me all of my stuff. You know he hooked me up so huge huge shout out to him um and yeah. He i called him.
You know i was calling him and asking about how to do this. You know cb4 and stuff like that and uh. He was, you know basically kind of walking me through it, because this is my first time doing it. So definitely you can definitely do it yourself. As long as you have a little bit of know-how, how to do it, it’s not bad!It’S only a 24 pack and some time and some youtube videos and you’re good, so actually funny story about the about the 24 pack uh. He is right, so you get you, you know 24 pack, two buddies. You know you got to start knocking this thing. It took me two days two days to do this um. So this is like 1am on like a sunday.
We get this thing knocked out. Uh. First, fire up, we primed the fuel system, the truck bust off. You know it sounds great. It’S throaty, it’s sound, it’s responsive!
It’S! It’S awesome! So we’re giving it a few revs. My neighbors hate me and uh. We’Ve noticed a little bit of black soot in the engine bay, so obviously we have uh either a loose downpipe or an up pipe.
So my buddy dylan is up there checking everything out with his flashlight his mirror looking all around, and i see him disappear out front of the truck and long story short my man. He he broke his ankle. He stepped on my uh milwaukee impact and i kind of rolled it twisted it right there and uh. This was all at 1am, but all in all you shout out to all my buddies uh. You know charlie dylan, justin christian drake.
I wanted to help he i had covered at the time honestly when he started doing it so yeah. He was supposed to come over and help he had coveted that sucks. I would have been there much cleaner is much more responsive like i said, if you’re thinking about it just do it, it’s huge you’ll, love it yep and now we’re gon na get some little pools here and there get some drive-bys and hope you guys enjoyed my Truck all right show you guys a little 15
That’S hauling ass for about seven thousand pounds, see if it spins it all running, that’s the bump! I hit and uh all the parts fell out from up underneath the truck dang walmart speed. Bumps man get you, but he did go back and clean up his mess like a good citizen, so uh he didn’t leave all his crap there.
We don’t litter, we don’t exactly man thanks to my buddy charlie right here. Look at here bam if you need the parts to fix the parts that fell off your truck magically hit him up. He’Ll hook you up or if you need a turbo factory turbo perfectly good. You can get it too hit my cup or, if you need a factory seat before i mean i have that too. It’S also good.Not that you’d want those. I mean. Those are those are icky you’d want it. Don’T ask about the nitrous express sticker. We might do something here crazy later on 200 shot.
I don’t know, but if you did like today’s video guys make sure you drop a like and subscribe and uh drop a comment. And let me know if you want more videos like this, because i think it’s a lot more fun and it definitely broadens my videos for you guys and you get to see some cool vehicles. So if you are also in the south carolina area, i don’t mind driving up to three hours to get some cool content with you guys uh just hit me up on instagram. That is the same as the youtube channel. So without further ado, much love see you next video, so, you