oh, he wants it, we’re gon na fuel up here, but every single one of the pumps has a sign that says no gas boulevard, a slight left to stay on airport boulevard. All right, we’ve arrived at the airport. We got the yeah. This is a good parking spot right here, but i’m going to fold my mirrors in you got to remember.
We got to remember where we parked all right south hourly level. Three. So basically, what’s gon na happen is it’s six o’clock in the morning now and we’re gon na fly out and uh pick up holden’s truck immediately we’re gon na drive back here, pick up my truck truck and then go back home so full day drag radio or Uberxl getting picked up in style, the at4 is that mattĀ that man zoned out what up here all right is this uh matthias. This is perfect. The twin turbo setup that holden just got: okay, that’s a little hair snapper right there.
That’Ll, put you back in your seat. This sounds lovely man. It does sound good, a little bit different noise than the other compound style man due to two different chargers. Little wheel hip a little skip there all right here. We go no traction control this time.
Yeah! That’S pretty legit, that’s really: legit man, okay, okay! I don’t know how you gon na keep this thing planted at ruby’s man, yeah slicks inĀ there and are those rock lights: desserts, pretty cool huh, yeah, 360.175. 60 foot.
I mean when you got something to show off under the hood, exactly your truck’s, too damn tall anyway, you couldn’t see it they’d, be like i see the lights, but that’s it. You can fool people they make. People want to look under your hood and stock like who tells okay. This turbo is now pressurizing that so you’re, it’s like a multiplier factor, so this tube will be anywhere from probably 30 to 45 pounds of boost feeding that so now it’s just a compression. So, basically, the more compressed the air yeah right exactly 45 pounds.
I never knew why, like sorry, people put, it is twice the amount of air. It’S almost like scuba, diving to me right, like yeah, you scuba dive. You have compressed air in your tank and if i have two tanks, i have more air and i can go longer right yeah. I guess one of the main reasons why we came here is one pick up. Holden’S truck and two is uh, build a turbo for me for the l5p for my 2020 l5p stan not stan.
I’M sorry, matthias matt happened to be like staying like 30 minutes from here at his family’s house on vacation. So he picked us up from the airport, so huge shout out, take a look at the turbo for the 2020
Sweet i’m actually going to give my stealth module to matt head now. I’M ready to see how this thing performs too bad. You can’t really send it. Yeah picked up oldest truck.
We just left the performance shop that worked on the on his l5p uh. We got about what 10 hour drive eight hour drive back in atlanta, all right yeah. He can’t really get on it because well obviously it’s raining so we’re gon na have to wait until maybe i don’t know – maybe it’s not raining in tennessee, but we’re gon na have to find out later just to see how how much better this truck performs. With the turbos and fixing the multiple boost leaks that he’s had for a while now since the first set of compounds yeah and that eight hour drive sounds way better than 10 hours, you don’t want None, let’s see if he wants it, we’ve been trying to catch up to that ford. That drove by us like 15 minutes ago, and these cars in front of us in the passing lane, aren’t really passing anybody.
So we’ve just been stuck here for, like 15 20 minutes, trying to figure out how we’re going to catch up to that ford. We may have found that s250 up there after about 20 25 30 minutes of trying to catch up getting stuck behind traffic. I mean he’s been hauling ass, though this whole time it’s not even that he had an open pocket. That’S true, all right, false alarm! That’S just an f-150, not the f250 that we saw earlier.
I thought that was in the far right lane so well there there’s an lbz or ly duramax back there. No he’s! Oh he’s gone too well. Next diesel we find we’re going to try to race, so we got a dura bourbon, maybe right there and a very big exhaust to be able to guess yeah. So it’s that lmm, that’s pulling it oh come on.
Oh there, it is. Is that a dirt? Oh there’s, a derby yep, that’s a duramax badge on a suburban orange exhaust is a giveaway. I haven’t. I, oh that’s a big exhaust on that i knew i saw the exhaust and i was like.
Oh, is that a girl? Oh, this dude’s jamming they’re a bird we’re coming for you, oh yeah. I think it’s sweet he’s not even trying anymore still. Oh, he wants it. Oh i’m good though diesel fuel leaking turns out.
It was just a filter. All right all right remember. This is going to be two separate orders. Yes, yes, on the first one, if i can get one of the um um, how do you pronounce that chalupa, one of the uh chalupa combos, the number? Six?
Oh? Well, the uh quesalupa, my bad sorry about that. You’Re! Good, what was that drink uh? If i can get a pepsi on the um kalupa, could i get a quesalupa if i could get it with no sour cream and no tomato?
Can i make those soft tacos also or is it crunchy only i can make them soft, that’s what she said. Okay and that’s it for the first order, sauce um, medium mild. You want everything on it, yeah all right and then, if i can get on the second order, another quesalupa combo don’t worry, but with everything on it i appreciate it. Oh so the whole holder was butchered. I couldn’t.

I was over here saying. Did you get that recording it’s 11 56
So we made it back to atlanta in one day, so we flew, we flew to indiana this morning and then drove back all in one day way better than a 23 24 hour ride, yeah one combo last time. The first time we drove 10 hours, there dropped this truck off the longer the 10 hour yeah, and then we drove right back. So we did freaking 20 hours non-stop home, sweet home, it’s been 22 hours, so i’m extremely tired. We got new turbo on the way for the l5p pretty soon so make sure to hit that subscribe button, and don’t forget to share this video with somebody else.
Who’S got a 2020 duramax or even just any kind of l5p, because i have plenty of l5p content on this channel so make sure to share this video with somebody who has an l5p who would or who was, who would be interested in l5b content. But thank you guys so much for watching keep on the lookout for future videos. We have some exciting stuff coming but i’ll see you guys next time: peace, you